48 minutes / Color
Release: 2009
Copyright: 2009
With America's version of capitalism seemingly heading for bankruptcy, is there a crisis-proof economic model that can shape the 21st century?
In THE WORLD'S NEXT SUPERMODEL, three prominent thinkers argue for competing economic models. Kishore Mahbubani, author of The New Asian Hemisphere, pitches the Asian model, characterized by the economic successes of China, India and Singapore. Wouter Bos, Dutch Minister of Finance, claims that the values of the European model are superior, while Brazilian economist Marcelo Neri praises the economic success of his country.
The proposals for these models are discussed by a jury consisting of macro-economist Willem Buiter, professor at the London School of Economics, New America Foundation's Parag Khanna, an expert analyst of global geopolitical issues, and author and Yale law and globalization professor Amy Chua.
These expert "judges," in a lively debate, examine the three models on the basis of issues such as social stability, environmental sustainability, government and market relationship, and their crisisproof nature. Their surprising decision is sure to provoke continued debates on this important global issue.
"In the backdrop of the financial crisis that began in 2007, THE WORLD'S NEXT SUPERMODEL poses the question, 'Is the world economy ready for a new economic model, over the United States' seemingly fail neo-liberal capitalism?' Three renowned specialists supply their responses of, 'yes,''no,' and 'it depends,' respectively. Each scrutinizes the proposed models on the bases of sustainability, resistance to financial crises, social responsibility, environmental concerns, and growth potential.
"Erudite yet blunt, the 'jury members' for the proposed models hold nothing back, in deference and disagreement. Comments and criticism stay at the macro level throughout, discussing issues such as labor supply, natural resources, monetary policy, technology, trends in multinational business, society and government. In the unfolding debates, models based on the economies of China, Brazil, and 'northwest Europe' are presented. The collective selection of these three experts is quite surprising.
"This work is simply outstanding. Despite the gravity of the issues, the film has a somewhat light-hearted tone which is welcome. Though the debate becomes slightly pointed at times, the arguments are made in a constructive manner. The content is very well structured, with consistent 'outlined' text headings, such as 'Crisisproof?' used for each of the three models. This is an excellent work for anyone interested in examining present economic models and forecasting the state of the global economy by 2020.
"Highly Recommended!"—Michael Coffta (Business Reference Librarian, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania), Educational Media Reviews Online