Films & DVDs Released in 2013

Fall 2013 Releases
Click here for the Spring 2013 releases

  • Bittersweet JokeBittersweet Joke - Examines the experiences of single mothers in South Korea, where there remains a strong social taboo against single parenthood. (new September, 2013)

  • China Concerto - An observational essay about public spectacles in contemporary China. (new September, 2013)

  • Class of Struggle - Workers at the Yema Watch Factory in Besançon depict their own labor struggles in this collective production initiated by Chris Marker. (new September, 2013)

  • Far from Vietnam - The landmark collaboration between Jean-Luc Godard, Joris Ivens, William Klein, Claude Lelouch, Chris Marker and Alain Resnais in protest of the Vietnam war. (new August, 2013)

  • Gambling Boys - Looks at the growing problem of gambling addiction among teenagers. (new September, 2013)

  • The Great Flood - Multimedia artist Bill Morrison and composer Bill Frisell explore the catastrophic Mississippi River Flood of 1927, and the ensuing transformation of American society. (new September, 2013)

  • Guerrilla Grannies - Women veterans of Mozambique's independence war offer an intimate view of the country's troubled history since 1975. (new May, 2013)

  • Housemaids - Seven Brazilian teenagers film their housemaids, exposing issues of class, race, and gender in their families, and in their country. (new September, 2013)

  • The Human Zoo - Traces the history of 25 people from four different Chilean indigenous groups who, in the late 19th century, were kidnapped and exhibited as attractions throughout Europe. (new September, 2013)

  • Le Joli Mai - Chris Marker and Pierre Lhomme's legendary portrait of Paris and Parisians at the close of the Algerian war. (new September, 2013)

  • Lost Rivers - Explore the growing movement and innovative projects around the world to uncover once-buried urban waterways. (new September, 2013)

  • Man for a DayMan for a Day - Performance artist and drag king Diane Torr leads a workshop in which women develop male characters. (new September, 2013)

  • One Day Pina Asked - Chantal Akerman follows choreographer Pina Bausch and her dance company on a five-week tour across Europe. (new October, 2013)

  • The Other Day - Filmmaker Ignacio Agüero's gentle exploration of home, family, history and Chilean society. (new September, 2013)

  • To Chris Marker, An Unsent Letter - A cinematic love letter to filmmaker Chris Marker. (new October, 2013)

  • Toward Daylight - To kindle the hope necessary for the living to face, and move on from, the pain and loss of suicide, five people tell their stories. (new August, 2013)

Cuba Media Project

  • ALABBÁ - An exploration of the fascinating history of Santería. (new September, 2013)

  • A Bridge Over the River - Profiles Lency, a man who lives in Cuba's central mountains who has a creative solution to all of life's daily problems there. (new September, 2013)

  • Cuban Animations from the Young Directors Film Festival - Eight animated shorts from the most important showcase for young cinematic talent in Cuba (new September, 2013)

  • Freddy Ilanga: Che's Swahili Translator - A documentary about Freddy Ilanga, an African man whose life was abruptly transformed through a chance encounter with Che Guevara. (new September, 2013)

  • The Infinite Island - In this doc-fiction hybrid, a peasant journeys through the Sierra Maestra to buy a new mule. (new September, 2013)

  • Major Leagues? - Profiles members of the Cuban National women's baseball team, who pursue their passion in a soceity filled with machismo and prejudice. (new September, 2013)

  • New Comedy Shorts from Cuba - This DVD collects two recent comedy shorts from Cuba. (new September, 2013)

  • They Would All Be Queens - Tells the story The stories of several Soviet women who married Cuban men and moved to Cuba before the dissolution of the Soviet Union. (new September, 2013)

  • Zone of Silence - Five Cuban intellectuals discuss censorship as a historical, political and social phenomenon. (new September, 2013)

Spring 2013 Releases
Click here for the Fall 2013 releases

  • Electric Signs - Explores the effects of new screen-based advertising sign systems on urban environments and public space. (new March, 2013)

  • Flower in Otomi - Tells the story of Dení Prieto Stock, a 19-year-old woman killed by the Mexican army in a 1973 raid on the Fuerzas de Liberación Nacional. (new January, 2013)

  • The Forgotten SpaceThe Forgotten Space - Allan Sekula and Noël Burch investigate maritime trade, the global supply chain and 21st-century capitalism. (new January, 2013)

  • Golden Slumbers - An inventively directed history of the lost Cambodian cinema. (new April, 2013)

  • In Search of the Unreturned Soldiers - Shohei Imamura travels first to Malaysia and then to Thailand, to investigate the lives and experiences of Japanese soldiers who, during World War II, chose to desert. (new January, 2013)

  • Jaguar - In Jean Rouch's collaborative ethnofiction, three Nigerien men journey to Accra for work. (new January, 2013)

  • Karayuki-San, The Making of a Prostitute - Shohei Imamura profiles a Japanese woman forced into sexual slavery for the Japanese military in Southeast Asia. (new January, 2013)

  • Khmer Rouge, A Simple Matter of Justice - A UN-appointed court tracks down those responsible of the crimes committed under the Khmer Rouge. (new February, 2013)

  • The Lion Hunters - Jean Rouch's self-reflexive depiction of lion hunting among the Songhay people of Niger, and the social structure that underlies it. (new January, 2013)

  • Little By Little - Jean Rouch brings his Nigerien collaborators to France to perform a reverse ethnography of late-1960s Parisian life. (new January, 2013)

  • Login 2 Life - Profiles seven people who spend most of their lives in online virtual worlds such as Second Life and World of Warcraft. (new January, 2013)

  • The Machine Which Makes Everything Disappear - A kaleidoscopic view of life for young adults in the contemporary Republic of Georgia. (new January, 2013)

  • The Mad Masters - Jean Rouch depicts a Hauka possession ceremony that doubles as a theatrical protest against The Gold Coast's colonial rulers. (new January, 2013)

  • Mammy Water - A gentle portrait by Jean Rouch of the spiritual traditions of a fishing village in the Gulf of Guinea. (new January, 2013)

  • Moi, Un Noir - In this landmark documentary, Jean Rouch collaborates with his subjects to produce a complex portrait of Nigerien migrants in Abidjan, Cote D'Ivoire. (new January, 2013)

  • Outlaw-Matsu Comes Home - Shohei Imamura follows a former Japanese soldier during his first trip home after having been abandoned by the military in Thailand during World War II. (new January, 2013)

  • The Pirates of Bubuan - Shohei Imamura's look at rival gangs of pirates in the Philippines. (new January, 2013)

  • The Search - A film crew travels through Tibet, searching for actors for their adaptation of a classic Buddhist story. (new March, 2013)

  • The Virgin, the Copts and Me - A filmmaker's revealing, personal exploration of Egypt's Copt community. (new May, 2013)

  • When the Bough Breaks - On the outskirts of Beijing, two teenage girls from a migrant family struggle to earn the money to pay for their brother's schooling. (new January, 2013)