Films & DVDs Released in 2016

Fall 2016 Releases
Click here for the Spring 2016 releases

  • Film StillAlmayer's Folly - Narrative film adaptation by Chantal Akerman of Joseph Conrad's first novel, following a European man living in Southeast Asia and his half-indigenous daughter.

  • The Apology - Former "Comfort Women" who were forced to serve Japanese troops during World War II tell their harrowing stories.

  • Chicago Boys - After the coup in 1973, Chile was turned into a laboratory for the world's most radical neo-liberal experiment.

  • Código Color, Memorias - An exploration of racism and skin color in Cuba during the 1950s.

  • Egg and Stone - A powerful autobiographical portrait of a 14-year-old girl's attempts to come to terms with her emerging sexual maturity. From the dGenerate Films Collection.

  • Female Directors - When job prospects elude them, two twenty-something art school graduates decide to film each other's lives instead. From the dGenerate Films Collection.

  • Grassroots in Dry Lands - Tells the story of three unconventional social workers united by a common vision that transcends the antagonisms between their countries.

  • Hiroshima Bound - A personal documentary that tracks the construction of America's collective memory (or lack of one) of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

  • Hissein Habré, A Chadian Tragedy - An unprecedented feat in international law: the dictator of Chad, Hissein Habré, is brought to trial.

  • Film StillHomo Sapiens - Abandoned landscapes of urban decay portend an ominous future in this wordless documentary. From the KimStim Collection.

  • Liberation: The User's Guide - Julia and Katia are inmates held in a Siberian mental facility against their wishes.

  • Long Story Short - Over 100 people at homeless shelters, food banks, and job training centers discuss their experiences of poverty.

Spring 2016 Releases
Click here for the Fall 2016 releases

  • A Baptism of Fire - A new generation of freelance photographers flies low-cost to war zones on their own dime in the hope of selling images to printed media or websites.

  • Beyond My Grandfather Allende - Director Marcia Tambutti Allende seeks to understand the man behind the legend that was her grandfather, Salvador Allende.

  • Film StillDie Before Blossom - The rising importance of Islamic values in an Indonesian public school is apparent in this portrait of modern schoolgirls Kiki and Dila.

  • Down There - Chantal Akerman spends a brief period on her own in an apartment by the sea in Tel Aviv, contemplating her family, her Jewish identity and her childhood.

  • The Good Breast - Explores the cultural and emotional roots of the loss of the breast through the intimate stories of four breast cancer patients and their surgeons.

  • I Don't Belong Anywhere: The Cinema of Chantal Akerman - Explores the filmmaker's 40 plus films and charts the sites of her peregrinations.

  • Film StillNo Home Movie - In her essential final feature, Chantal Akerman documents her relationship with her mother, a Holocaust-survivor.

  • Paths of the Soul - An astonishing journey of redemption, faith, and devotion, following a group of villagers who leave their families and homes to make a Buddhist "bowing pilgrimage" to the holy capital of Tibet.

  • Saving Mes Aynak - Afghan archaeologist Qadir Temori races against time to save a 5,000-year-old archaeological site from imminent demolition.

  • Sex, Lies and Tabloids! - The rise and fall of tabloid papers in the US and UK. Now, tabloids may be gone, but their spirit is everywhere.

  • The Silence of Mark Rothko - With his imposing canvasses, pure color and texture, Mark Rothko sought to express fundamental human emotions.

  • 'Til Madness Do Us Part - The daily lives and loneliness of a group of men locked in one floor of a Chinese city's psychiatric institution. From the dGenerate Films Collection.

  • Film StillThree Sisters - Three little sisters live alone in a small village in the high mountains of the Yunnan region. The little girls don't go to school, spending their days working in the fields or wandering in the village. From the dGenerate Films Collection.

  • Under the Sun - A fascinating portrait of one North Korean girl and her parents in the year as she prepares to join the Korean Children's Union on Kim Jong-Il's birthday.