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  • Black SunBlack Sun - A history of the esoteric ideas and myths that served as a breeding ground for Nazi ideology and inspired Adolf Hiter.

  • H

  • The Human Zoo - The story of 25 people from four Chilean indigenous groups who in the 19th centry were exhibited as attractions across Europe.


  • The Life and Times of Sara Baartman - Kidnapped from South Africa in 1810 and "exhibited" around Great Britain, Sara Baartman was treated as a scientific curiosity.

  • M

  • Monte Grande - How do body and mind exist as an integrated whole? The eminent neurobiologist Francisco Varela devoted his entire life to answering this question. Featuring His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso the 14th Dalai Lama


  • The Return of Sara BaartmanThe Return of Sara Baartman - After years of unsettling negotiation with France, South Africa finally welcomes home the remains of Sara Baartman in an historic event of repatriation.

More Films & DVDs on the History of Science
  • Forever Lenin - Why, and how, was Lenin mummified in 1924? And how, and why, is he still on display in Red Square today?

  • Give Us Our Skeletons! - Niillas Somby, a Sami, an ethnic group which inhabits northern Scandinavia, is fighting the Norwegian authorities, trying to compel them to release the skull of a rebellious ancestor.