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  • [CENSORED][CENSORED] - Violence, birth and sex were cut from films by the Australian Censorship Board from 1958-1971 and went unseen... until now.

  • A

  • Agustin's Newspaper - Journalism students at the University of Chile embark on an investigation of El Mercurio, the oldest newspaper in Chile.

  • Amateur Photographer - The story of a German soldier and the photographs that he took, while serving on the Eastern Front during WWII.

  • America's Brutal Prisons - Exposes the violence occurring inside prisons throughout America, where prisoners are routinely abused, even tortured, by prison guards.

  • Americas in TransitionAmericas in Transition - A concise and fast-paced history of the volatile forces at work in Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua in the 1980s

  • And There Was Israel - The film examines the creation of the State of Israel and looks at the history of Zionism (1896-1948) under the very specific angle of the responsibility of the western world.

  • Angry Monk - Gendun Choephel, a legendary figure in Tibet, turned from the monastic life he was born to (as the reincarnation of a Buddhist lama), to become a fierce critic of his country's religious conservatism and isolationism.

  • Antisemitism - Director Ilan Ziv traces the origins of today's antisemitism in France from the Middle Ages to the infamous Dreyfus Affair.

  • Antonio NegriAntonio Negri - The biography and current relevance of the sociologist and political philosopher, co-authoer of EMPIRE, and his role as an intellectual leader of the anti-globalization movement.

  • The Apology - In this Peabody Award-winning film, former "Comfort Women" forced to serve Japanese troops during WWII tell their harrowing stories.

  • B

  • A Baptism of Fire - A new generation of freelance photographers flies low-cost to war zones on their own dime in the hope of selling images to printed media or websites.

  • Barcelona or Die - Madou, a Senegalese fisherman, risks his life on an illegal boat to Europe.

  • Between Midnight and the Rooster's CrowBetween Midnight and the Rooster's Crow - Traveling along the cross-Andes route of an oil pipeline in Ecuador, a case study of the troubling connections between corporations, Western consumption, and the 3rd World.

  • Black Africa White Marble - A contemporary David-and-Goliath story that sheds a harsh light on the colonial past and troubled present of The Republic of Congo.

  • Bride Kidnapping in Kyrgyzstan - The first film about the Kyrgyz tradition of bride kidnapping takes viewers inside families, to talk with kidnapped brides who have managed to escape as well as those who are making homes with their new husbands.

  • C

  • Caught in the Crossfire - Chronicles three diverse Arab New Yorkers - a beat cop, a minister, and a high-level diplomatic correspondent - as they wrestle with their place in wartime America.

  • Chantal Akerman Four FilmsChantal Akerman Four Films - Four documentaries spanning two decades are included in this 5-disc box set, with a 16-page booklet and bonus film about the late filmmaker.

  • Chez Jolie Coiffure - Step inside a tiny underground hair salon and meet its charismatic owner, a Cameroonian immigrant named Sabine.

  • Chronicle Of A Genocide Foretold - Shot over three years, CHRONICLE OF A GENOCIDE FORETOLD follows several Rwandans before, during, and after the 1994 genocide.

  • Clara Lemlich - The story of the young, Jewish, Ukrainian-born woman who in 1909 sparked the 'Uprising of the 20,000' -- the first massive strike of New York City garment workers.

  • A Common PurposeA Common Purpose - The trial of the "Upington 25" in South Africa in 1986 saw twenty-five men and women from a black township tried for the murder of a local black policeman.

  • Congo: The Doctor Who Saves Women - Tens of thousands of women have been raped during 20 years of war in eastern Congo.

  • Crimes of Honour - Filmed in Jordan and on the West Bank, investigates the terrible reality of femicide—the killing of sisters or daughters suspected of losing their virginity, for having refused an arranged marriage or having left a husband.

  • D

  • Dead Souls - Dead Souls documents the testimony of survivors of the hard-labor camp in the Gobi Desert in Gansu, China.

  • Democracy on DeadlineDemocracy on Deadline - A survey of journalists working in various media and languages around the world, as they grapple with their relationships to government, and the dangers of speaking truth to power.

  • The Dmitriev Affair - Against the wishes of the authorities, 60-year-old Yuri Dmitriev searches for mass graves from the era of Stalin’s terror against his own people - until one day he is arrested and sentenced to 15 years in a penal colony. Following Yuri closely, the film paints a shocking picture of the way the Russian state rewrites history and treats its citizens.

  • Downstream to Kinshasa - People in the Democratic Republic of Congo travel via boat to the capital to demand reparations for their injuries incurred during the Six-Day War.

  • Duncan Campbell Scott: The Poet and the Indians - The story of the prominent early Canadian literary figure - who was also a civil servant responsible for a brutal Native assimilation program.

  • E

  • The East Wind State FarmThe East Wind State Farm - Condemned "Rightists" sentenced "thought reform" share first-person accounts of life in a notorious Chinese labor camp.

  • Edward Said: The Last Interview - An extended discussion with Prof. Edward Said filmed less than a year before his death. The noted literary critic and Palestinian activist delivers his final testament about his life and work as a committed intellectual.

  • End of the Dialogue - A landmark film that was one of the first to reveal the full horrors of apartheid to the world.

  • F

  • Far from Vietnam - The landmark collaboration between Jean-Luc Godard, Joris Ivens, William Klein, Claude Lelouch, Chris Marker and Alain Resnais in protest of the Vietnam war.

  • Forced ConfessionsForced Confessions -
    Since its earliest days, the Iranian regime has relied on forced, televised confessions to humiliate and discredit its opponents and instill fear in its citizens

  • From The Other Side - Using technology developed for the military, the flow of illegal immigration into San Diego has been stemmed. But for the desperate, there are still the dangerous deserts of Arizona, where Chantal Akerman shifts her focus.

  • G

  • Gai Shanxi and Her Sisters - The story of one woman's brutal ordeal as a "comfort woman" for the Japanese Army during World War II.

  • Ghosts of Attica - The definitive account of America's most violent prison rebellion, its deadly suppression, the days of torture that ensued, and the almost 30 year legal case that followed.

  • Grassroots in Dry LandsGrassroots in Dry Lands - Tells the story of three unconventional social workers united by a common vision that transcends the antagonisms between their countries.

  • A Grin Without A Cat - Chris Marker's epic film-essay on the worldwide political wars of the 60's and 70's: Vietnam, Che, May '68, Prague, Chile, and the fate of the New Left.

  • Gringo Trails - A global survey of the impacts on cultures, economies, and the environment of the most powerful globalizing force of our time: tourism.

  • Guerrilla Grannies - Women veterans of Mozambique's independence war offer an intimate view of the country's troubled history since 1975.

  • H

  • Hissein Habre, A Chadian TragedyHissein Habre, A Chadian Tragedy - An unprecedented feat in international law: the dictator of Chad, Hissein Habre, is brought to trial.

  • Hotel Terminus - Pt. 1 - Marcel Ophuls' Academy Award winning examination of the Nazi officer Klaus Barbie, the infamous "Butcher of Lyon," weaves together 40 years of footage and interviews.

  • Hotel Terminus - Pt. 2 - Marcel Ophuls' Academy Award winning examination of the Nazi officer Klaus Barbie, the infamous "Butcher of Lyon," weaves together 40 years of footage and interviews.

  • Hotel Terminus - Pt. 3 - Marcel Ophuls' Academy Award winning examination of the Nazi officer Klaus Barbie, the infamous "Butcher of Lyon," weaves together 40 years of footage and interviews.

  • The Human ZooThe Human Zoo - The story of 25 people from four Chilean indigenous groups who in the 19th centry were exhibited as attractions across Europe.

  • I

  • Imaginary Feasts - In Nazi concentration camps, Japanese war camps and Gulag labor camps, starving prisoners risked their lives to document fantasy recipes.

  • Impunity - What is the cost of truth for families damaged by Colombia's violent past?

  • In Search of the Unreturned Soldiers in Malaysia - Imamura tries to locate unreturned Japanese soldiers in Malaysia.

  • In Search of the Unreturned Soldiers in ThailandIn Search of the Unreturned Soldiers in Thailand - Shohei Imamura continues searching for unreturned Japanese soldiers.

  • The Inheritors - At early age children begin to work in the Mexican countryside. This is a portrait of theirs lives and their daily struggle for survival.

  • An Injury To One - Reconstructs the long-forgotten murder of union organizer Frank Little in Butte, Montana, and draws a connection between the unsolved murder of Little, and the attempted murder of the town itself.

  • Iran, Veiled Appearances - Depicts clashes in modern Iran between extreme fundamentalism and young people who are pushing for social change, filming with soldiers, religious leaders, students, artists and intellectuals.

  • It's My LifeIt's My Life - Zackie Achmat, a leading AIDS activist in South Africa, refused to take anti-retroviral medicines until they were made available by the government in public hospitals and clinics.

  • J

  • Jamilia - The film, set in Kyrgyzstan, is a search for Jamilia, the title character in the novella by Chinghiz Aitmatov about a young woman who rebels against the rules of Kyrgyz society.

  • K

  • K.O.R. - An insider's look at Poland's dissident Workers Defense Committee - and how the group's actions led directly to the formation of the Solidarity union and the end of Poland's Communist regime.

  • Khmer Rouge, A Simple Matter of Justice - A UN-appointed court tracks down those responsible for the crimes committed under the Khmer Rouge.

  • Kigali Shaolin TempleKigali Shaolin Temple - Kigali Shaolin Temple is a kung-fu club in Rwanda started by a group of orphans from the genocide.

  • L

  • La Commune - A 5 hour 45 minute event. Based on a thorough historical research into the Paris Commune of 1871, this film leads to an inevitable reflection about the present.

  • Last Grave at Dimbaza - Shot secretly and smuggled out of South Africa at the height of the apartheid era, this was the most widely screened and influential anti-apartheid documentary. Now restored and on DVD for the first time.

  • Liberation: The User's Guide - Yulia and Katia are inmates held in a Siberian mental facility against their wishes.

  • Long Story ShortLong Story Short - Over 100 people at homeless shelters, food banks, and job training centers discuss their experiences of poverty.

  • The Loving Story - Oscar-shortlist selection, this is the definitive account of Loving v. Virginia, the landmark 1967 Supreme Court decision that legalized interracial marriage.

  • Lucanamarca - In the Peruvian Andes, in the town of Lucanamarca, old wounds are re-opened when the Truth and Reconciliation Commission arrives to investigate a massacre from 20 years ago.

  • M

  • A Maid for Each - Documentary portrait of a housemaid agency in Beirut, Lebanon.

  • A Massacre ForetoldA Massacre Foretold - Chronicles the historic events surrounding the 1997 massacre of 45 pacifist supporters of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation who were massacred while seeking refuge in a church.

  • A Mayan Trilogy: Life, Death, and Migration - Now on one DVD, Olivia Carrescia's three films on the Mayan Indians of Guatemala preserve a record, and provide an acute observation on how the indigenous culture has been affected by, yet survived, that country's tumultuous history.

  • Milosevic on Trial - Four years of the trial of Slobodan Milosevic, charged with 66 counts of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide for his role in the conflict in the former Yugoslavia.

  • Miners Shot Down - How could 34 South African mineworkers be killed during a non-violent strike for better wages... not under apartheid, but today?

  • Mrs. B., a North Korean WomanMrs. B., a North Korean Woman - Attempting to escape North Korea, Mrs. B. is sold by smugglers to a Chinese farmer. She becomes a smuggler herself and struggles to reunite with her sons, but the secret service gets involved…

  • My Imaginary Country - An explosive social revolution brought 1.5 million Chileans to their feet. It was the event Patricio Guzmán had been waiting for.

  • N

  • Naji Al-Ali - Examines the forces that shaped cartoonist Naji Al-Ali as an artist, as a human being, and shows how his experiences mirror those of other exiled Palestinians.

  • Neither Allah, Nor Master! - An explosive, personal look at secularism in the Muslim country of Tunisia.

  • NikahNikah - Captures the uncertainty of a young woman living in the Uyghur region, who is at a personal crossroads.

  • 900 Days - Unforgettable stories of WWII's deadly Siege of Leningrad, which took more than 1 million lives.

  • Nostalgia for the Light - In Chile's Atacama Desert, Patricio Guzman studies distant galaxies, ancient civilizations, and the remains of the disappeared.

  • O

  • The Observer - China is doing everything in its power to silence filmmaker Hu Jie, but he remains on his lonely mission to document the country's true history.

  • 108 (Cuchillo de Palo)108 (Cuchillo de Palo) - Paraguayan director Renate Costa Perdomo investigates a gay man's persecution and murder.

  • 1428 - Du Haibin's award-winning documentary of the earthquake that devastated China's Sichuan province in 2008 explores how victims, citizens and government respond to a national tragedy.

  • Out of Place - Traces the life and work of Edward Said (1935-2003), the Palestinian-born intellectual who wrote widely on history, literature, music, philosophy and politics.

  • P

  • The Pinochet Case - The story of the landmark legal case against General Augusto Pinochet of Chile, before and after his arrest in London in 1998. 


  • The PoetsThe Poets - The Poets follows two acclaimed West African poets, and lifelong friends, Syl Cheney-Coker and Niyi Osundare as they travel through their home countries of Sierra Leone and Nigeria to explore what has shaped their art.

  • Portraits of America - Natalie Bookchin is an artist and filmmaker who, through virtuosic editing and innovative sonic and visual montage, interrogates the American crisis and its increased inequality and polarization.

  • Presumed Guilty - A searing examination of the Mexican criminal justice system through the case of one man, wrongly accused of murder.

  • Prisms and Portraits: The Films of Rosine Mbakam - Four documentaries and 2 short films are included in this box set, with a 6-page booklet about the filmmaker.

  • Profit and Nothing But!Profit and Nothing But! - A pertinent and impertinent exploration of the profit motive, and its consequences on our daily lives, our history, and our outlook for the future.

  • Prosecutor - At the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno-Ocampo investigates and prosecutes accused war criminals, worldwide.

  • Q

  • The Questioning - "At 12 o'clock at night, policemen came to our room and started a so-called 'room inspection.' As they began to knock at the door, I turned on a small camcorder. This film is the record of what followed."

  • R

  • Rebels on Pointe - The riotous, all-male troupe Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo challenge gender and artistic norms in the world of ballet.

  • A Republic Gone MadA Republic Gone Mad - A different perspective on the Rwandan massacres derived from study of historical relations between the Tutsi and Hutu.

  • Rocío - Woven from home video and news footage collected over 25 years, ROCÍO is the story of a mother's love and the American Dream.

  • S

  • Salvador Allende - Patricio Guzmán (The Battle of Chile) tells Allende's story, from his youth in Valparaiso and his early career, to his presidency of Chile and death during the coup of September 11, 1973.

  • Scars of Memory - An oral history of the 1932 massacre of 10,000 El Salvadorans, a trauma that has resonated through six decades of military rule, until the 1992 peace accords ended a brutal, 12-year civil war.

  • The Search (La Búsqueda)The Search (La Búsqueda) - Thirty years after civil war in Peru, three people go on a quest to recover from loss and heal the wounds left by violence.

  • Searching for Lin Zhao's Soul - A landmark documentary on the gifted young poet who spoke out at the height of Chairman Mao's rule... and her subsequent fate.

  • Senso Daughters - Investigates the Japanese army's mistreatment of New Guinean women and "comfort girls."

  • Shadow Play - With recently declassified documents and interviews with newly liberated Indonesians, offers a startling new interpretation of events that shaped modern Indonesian history and changed the destiny of Southeast Asia.

  • Sleeping SoulsSleeping Souls - A political hireling working for "United Russia" explains the cold inner mechanic of the system.

  • Sociology is a Martial Art - An introduction to the work of Influential sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, whose 40 books and countless articles represent a renovation and application of social science.

  • South - The heart of this journey is the brutal murder of James Byrd, Jr in Jasper, Texas. But this is not an anatomy of his murder, rather, it is an evocation of how this event fits in to a landscape and climate as much mental as physical.

  • South Africa Belongs to Us - Aided by two black women journalists, the filmmakers visited workers' barracks, a family planning clinic in Soweto, and a shantytown to create the first and most stirring record of black women's lives in South Africa under apartheid.

  • SparkSpark - In this incindiary film, artist Hu Jie shares the testimony of the brave survivors of the political magazine Spark for the first time.

  • SPK Complex - In 1970, Dr. Wolfgang Huber and a group of patients founded the anti-psychiatric "Socialist Patient's Collective" in Germany, causing run-ins with the local authorities.

  • State of Terrorism - The war that was launched in the name of defense of our democracies might have become its biggest threat.

  • Stony Paths - Following in his great-grandfather's footsteps, Arnaud undertakes a trek across Anatolia to study the Armenian Genocide.

  • Stories of AStories of A - Shot in Paris in 1973, this feminist film on the fight for abortion rights is both a fascinating historical document, and a reminder of the critical importance of civil disobedience.

  • T

  • Tadmor - Eight former detainees recall the years spent being tortured in Syria's notorious Tadmor Prison.

  • Thank You for the Rain - Kisilu, a Kenyan farmer, films his family, his village and the damages of climate change. When a violent storm occurs, he becomes a community leader and activist on the global stage.

  • Time of Pandemics - Explores the quest for an HIV vaccine in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • The Tiniest PlaceThe Tiniest Place - The story of a small village in El Salvador, destroyed during the country's civil war, and its remarkable rebirth today.

  • Todos Santos: The Survivors - Demonstrates how the political turmoil of the 1980s affected this once quiet Guatemalan village.

  • Tunisia, Year Zero - Follow the day by day events during the year after the fall of Ben Ali while Tunisian's elected a new a government and draft a constitution.

  • 12 Days - Filmmaker-photographer Raymond Depardon chronicles the patients of a psychiatric ward where justice and madness meet.

  • U

  • Under the SunUnder the Sun - A fascinating portrait of one North Korean girl and her parents in the year as she prepares to join the Korean Children's Union on Kim Jong-Il's birthday.

  • W

  • Wandering Souls - Thirty years after the end of the war against the United States, two Vietnamese veterans continue to search for the remains of their dead comrades.

  • Welcome to Refugeestan - The UNHCR manages camps that shelter more than sixteen million refugees all around the world, creating a virtual country as large as the Netherlands.

  • Y

  • Young Freud in Gaza - Ayed is a young psychotherapist in Gaza. The film shows his consultations with a variety of patients, and the challenges he and they face.

More Films & DVDs on Human Rights
  • Awakening from Sorrow: Buenos Aires 1997 - Documents the power to transform pain into action and to lift the veil of repression that has gripped a generation of young people orphaned by Argentina's 'Dirty War.'

  • Ben Barka - A biography of Moroccan opposition leader Mehdi Ben Barka, abducted on the streets of Paris and murdered in 1965, the infamous "Ben Barka affair."

  • The Case of the Grinning Cat - In his newest film, French cinema-essayist Chris Marker reflects on French and international politics, art and culture at the start of the new millennium.

  • A Child's Century of War - Takes the viewer on a journey through the past century - the bloodiest in history - from the perspective of children, and tells their stories in their voices.

  • Choropampa - When a devastating mercury spill by the world's richest gold mining corporation hits a quiet peasant village in the Peruvian Andes, a courageous young mayor emerges to lead his people on a quest for healthcare and justice.

  • Dam/Age - Traces renowned, prize winning writer Arundhati Roy's bold and controversial campaign against the Narmada dam project in India.

  • Death Squadrons - The previously untold story of how the French military trained Latin American death squads in the 60s and 70s (and even U.S. Special Forces in the early days of our Vietnam War).

  • Denial - A long overdue investigation into the 1981 El Mozote massacre in El Salvador, and the Reagan administration's cover-up of it.

  • Drowning by Bullets - Exposes the massacre, cover-up, and the years of denial of what was undoubtedly one of the darkest nights in the history of France.

  • Euskadi: A Stateless Nation - The first definitive film treatment of the Basque-Spanish conflict, EUSKADI looks at the tumultuous history of a long running struggle which is far from its resolution.

  • A Female Cabby in Sidi Bel-Abbès - The story of the only woman cab driver in the Algerian city of Sidi Bel-Abbès.

  • Fernando is Back - Documents the workings of Chile's Forensic Identification Unit in its quest to reclaim the identities of those 'disappeared' and killed during the Pinochet dictatorship.

  • Fire in the Andes - Tells the story of the conflict in Peru which left over 10,000 dead or "disappeared" through an investigation into the killings of eight journalists.

  • Flower in Otomi - Tells the story of Deni Prieto Stock, killed by the Mexican army in 1973.

  • Give Us Our Skeletons! - Niillas Somby, a Sami, an ethnic group which inhabits northern Scandinavia, is fighting the Norwegian authorities, trying to compel them to release the skull of a rebellious ancestor.

  • Human Weapon - The first sober, in-depth examination of the history of suicide bombing. Filmed in Iran, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Israel, Palestine, Europe and the United States.

  • The Internationale - Draws on people's stories of an emotionally charged radical song (the long-time anthem of socialism and communism) to celebrate the relationship between music and social change.

  • Irish Voices - Examines an unusual loophole in Britain's attempt to quell media access in the Irish conflict.

  • The Jackets Green - Republicans in Northern Ireland answer the question "What are you fighting for?"

  • The Junction - They had little in common in life, but Israeli soldier David Biri and Palestinian Fahmi Abou Ammouneh are linked in death, their fates tied to a Gaza crossroads between an Israeli settlement and Palestinian refugee camp.

  • Justice and the Generals - Investigates the human rights and legal issues involved when two Salvadoran generals are sued in an American court for atrocities (such as the murder of four American churchwomen) committed during El Salvador's civil war.

  • Litigating Disaster - December 3, 1984. Bhopal, India. The worst chemical disaster of all time. How has Union Carbide manipulated the US and Indian legal systems for 20 years to avoid facing justice?

  • Mabo - Life of an Island Man - Traces the story of the life of an extraordinary man, one whose struggle for land rights, and his remarkable life in general, had a profound effect on indigenous rights in Australia.

  • On Our Land - After the creation of Israel in 1948, Palestinians who chose to remain on their land were banded into farming communities. But most of this land has since been lost to Israeli kibbutz and moshav settlements. 

  • On the Edge of Peace - Chronicles the first year of the implementation of the Israeli-Palestinian accords as experienced by both Palestinians and Israelis from all walks of life.

  • People Power - The first in depth look at non-violent revolutions around the world.

  • The Ribbon - The journey of the "Peace Ribbon," created by South African mothers both black and white, to protest the government's brutal internal policies.

  • Safe Haven: The United Nations and the Betrayal of Srebrenica - Investigates the possibility of complicity - knowing or not - by the commanders of the United Nations forces in Bosnia in the disaster that befell Srebrenica.

  • Seeing is Believing - From Rodney King to Osama bin Laden, handicams aren't just for weddings and vacations anymore!

  • Stealing the Fire - In 1996, the German nuclear engineer Karl-Heinz Schaab was accused of selling secret information to Iraq. But was Schaab a shrewd traitor or a simple pawn in a much more extensive network?

  • Sweet Country (Dulce Patria) - A kaleidoscopic survey of Pinochet's Chile.

  • Syria: the Assads' Twilight - A lively documentary history of Syria's Assad regime, tracing its origins and influence, even as it clings to power in the face of the Arab spring.

  • Tambogrande - Follows the efforts of a small Peruvian town over five years as they fight government efforts to sell the mineral rights under their homes to a multi-national mining company.

  • 20 Years Old in the Middle East - Filmed after the fall of Saddam Hussein, this film traverses the region - from Jordan to Syria, Iran, and Lebanon - to take the pulse of Arab and Iranian youth.

  • War and Peace in Ireland - Retraces the conflict in Northern Ireland from 1968 up until the present day peace process.

  • The Women of Hezbollah - A portrait of two women activists in the Hezbollah, and an examination of the personal, social and political factors of their commitment to this Islamic movement in Lebanon.

  • Yellow Wasps - Chronicles the Yellow Wasps, a Serbian paramilitary unit operating in Bosnia in 1992.