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Films & DVDs on Sustainability  Text Size Increase Font Size Decrease Font Size
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  • The Absent HouseThe Absent House - Sustainable design in the tropics: Puerto Rican architect Fernando Abruna Charneco is a pioneer of locally-suited green buildings.

  • Anais Goes to War - A young woman's struggle to start her own farm.

  • B

  • Banking Nature - By assigning financial value to elements of nature, can markets save the planet?

  • Barcelona or Die - Madou, a Senegalese fisherman, risks his life on an illegal boat to Europe.

  • Between Midnight and the Rooster's CrowBetween Midnight and the Rooster's Crow - Traveling along the cross-Andes route of an oil pipeline in Ecuador, a case study of the troubling connections between corporations, Western consumption, and the 3rd World.

  • D

  • Dreaming of a Tree House - An exploration of the design and philosophy behind a 20 year-old experimental, ecological collective housing project in the center of Berlin.

  • F

  • Flooding Job's Garden - Behind the scenes of the highly controversial James Bay Hydro-Quebec power plant project.

  • Future of Mud - This is the story of Komusa Tenapo, master mason and heir to the secrets of Djenne architecture, the traditional use of mud in Malian buildings.

  • H

  • H2OmxH2Omx - Can a mega-city mobilize its 22 million citizens to become water-sustainable?


  • Lost Rivers - Explore the growing movement and innovative projects around the world to uncover once-buried urban waterways.

  • M

  • Monobloc - How the best-selling, unsightly plastic chair took the world by storm.

  • P

  • Post-Carbon Futures - The world will have to survive without fossil fuels - sooner, rather than later. What are the alternatives?

  • The Price of AidThe Price of Aid - An investigation of America's food aid programs for famine-stricken nations, a multi-million dollar business, which asks both U.S. and African government officials whether such aid creates more problems than it solves.

  • R

  • Red Persimmons - A visually elegant paean to the cultivation and harvesting of the sweet red fruit, and the disappearance of a traditional way of life in rural Japan.

  • S

  • Saving Mes Aynak - Afghan archaeologist Qadir Temori races against time to save a 5,000-year-old archaeological site from imminent demolition.

  • Seed Battles - Deep inside a mountain, the Global Seed Vault preserves the seeds of the world. But to whom do they belong?

  • Seeds of HungerSeeds of Hunger - A global investigation into the evolving nature of food production, and the crisis it may portend.

  • Strait Through The Ice - Climate change is opening the Northwest Passage through Canada's Arctic for shipping. Examines the ecological and geopolitical ramifications.

  • Suspension - Deep in the misty jungle of southern Colombia, between treacherously steep mountain slopes, stands an unfinished concrete bridge as an absurd symbol of human folly.

  • T

  • Thank You for the Rain - Kisilu, a Kenyan farmer, films his family, his village and the damages of climate change. When a violent storm occurs, he becomes a community leader and activist on the global stage.

  • They're Selling the WindThey're Selling the Wind - An exploration of the carbon market's fight against global warming, a speculative, impalpable market, and sometimes irresponsible market.

  • Tierralismo - An in-depth portrait of a Cuban agricultural collective that has drawn international acclaim for its sustainable practices.

  • Time Thieves - Forget water, oil and rare minerals - there is a new resource everyone wants: our time.

  • W

  • What's for Dinner? - Meat consumption in China is skyrocketing; what does it mean for sustainability, public health, food security, climate change, and animal welfare?

  • When Banana RuledWhen Banana Ruled - The story of a simple fruit... upon which a global empire was built.

More Films & DVDs on Sustainability
  • The Dreamers of Arnhem Land - The two Aboriginal elders who set out to save their community from cultural extinction by combining traditional knowledge and contemporary scientific expertise.

  • Tambogrande - Follows the efforts of a small Peruvian town over five years as they fight government efforts to sell the mineral rights under their homes to a multi-national mining company.