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  • About Executing EichmannAbout Executing Eichmann - Why did a prominent group of Holocaust survivors and philosophers oppose the death sentence for Adolf Eichmann?

  • The Adventurers of Modern Art - The story plunges us into Parisian life at the beginning of the twentieth century, a hotbed of artistic creation with the blossoming of Fauvism, Cubism, Dadaism and Surrealism.

  • Amateur Photographer - The story of a German soldier and the photographs that he took, while serving on the Eastern Front during WWII.

  • Antisemitism - Director Ilan Ziv traces the origins of today's antisemitism in France from the Middle Ages to the infamous Dreyfus Affair.

  • The ApologyThe Apology - In this Peabody Award-winning film, former "Comfort Women" forced to serve Japanese troops during WWII tell their harrowing stories.

  • As a Young Girl of Thirteen - Holocaust survivor Simone Lagrange vividly recounts her experiences in Auschwitz, and the role she played in bringing Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie to justice.

  • As If It Were Yesterday - Belgians recount how they saved Jewish children during WWII.

  • B

  • Black Sun - A history of the esoteric ideas and myths that served as a breeding ground for Nazi ideology and inspired Adolf Hiter.

  • C

  • The Children of 209 Saint-Maur StreetThe Children of 209 Saint-Maur Street - An emotional historiography on Jewish children whose lives in a normal Parisian apartment building were upended by the Nazi occupation.

  • E

  • Education and Nationalism - Documents the Japanese government’s re-writing of textbooks and education to support their political point of view.

  • Egg Cream - The beloved chocolate soda drink, born in immigrant neighborhoods at the turn of the 20th century, is explored in this short film about a simple beverage and its meaning to generations of Jewish Americans.

  • G

  • Gai Shanxi and Her Sisters - The story of one woman's brutal ordeal as a "comfort woman" for the Japanese Army during World War II.

  • Golda MariaGolda Maria - Searing first-person interview with a feisty Holocaust survivor.

  • Guernica - Uses the famous painting by Picasso to bear witness to the atrocities of the Spanish civil war and fascism.

  • H

  • Heimat is a Space in Time - Stretching from the dawn of World War I to the present day, Thomas Heise’s monumental essay film reflects on the fraught evolution of Germany’s national identity through the prism of one family’s history.

  • The Hermitage Dwellers - A kaleidoscopic portrait of Russia's Hermitage, the world's largest museum.

  • Hermitage-NiksHermitage-Niks - This five-part series is the expanded, in-depth version of THE HERMITAGE DWELLERS.

  • Hiroshima Bound - A personal documentary that tracks the construction of America's collective memory (or lack of one) of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

  • Hotel Terminus - Pt. 1 - Marcel Ophuls' Academy Award winning examination of the Nazi officer Klaus Barbie, the infamous "Butcher of Lyon," weaves together 40 years of footage and interviews.

  • Hotel Terminus - Pt. 2 - Marcel Ophuls' Academy Award winning examination of the Nazi officer Klaus Barbie, the infamous "Butcher of Lyon," weaves together 40 years of footage and interviews.

  • Hotel Terminus - Pt. 3 - Marcel Ophuls' Academy Award winning examination of the Nazi officer Klaus Barbie, the infamous "Butcher of Lyon," weaves together 40 years of footage and interviews.

  • I

  • In Search of the Unreturned Soldiers in Malaysia - Imamura tries to locate unreturned Japanese soldiers in Malaysia.

  • In Search of the Unreturned Soldiers in Thailand - Shohei Imamura continues searching for unreturned Japanese soldiers.

  • The Ister - A journey up the Danube River, this film takes up some of the most challenging paths in Martin Heidegger's thought. With the philosophers Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, Jean-Luc Nancy, Bernard Stiegler, and filmmaker Hans-Jürgen Syberberg.

  • J

  • Japan's Peace ConstitutionJapan's Peace Constitution - Explores the origins of Japan's Constitution in the ashes of war, and the significance of its famous peace clause, Article 9, and the debates surrounding it, in the 21st century.

  • L

  • The Last Happy Day - A portrait of a doctor who saw the worst of society and ran.

  • Level Five - In Chris Marker's futuristic reverie, game-developer Laura creates a video game based on the WWII Battle of Okinawa.

  • M

  • Mina's Recipe Book - Before dying of starvation in a concentration camp, Mina carefully recorded her favorite recipes, hoping they would somehow make it to her daughter overseas.

  • My Father (Récits de Sam)My Father (Récits de Sam) - A fragmented meditation on surviving the Warsaw Ghetto, in an intimate conversation between father and daughter.


  • Nanjing - Till today the history of the 1937 "Rape of Nanking" is a point of contention between China and Japan. How is it seen in each country, and can a shared memory ever be constructed?

  • 900 Days - Unforgettable stories of WWII's deadly Siege of Leningrad, which took more than 1 million lives.

  • O

  • Ok Joe! - Explores the rape and murders committed by the US army against French civilians after WWII.

  • R

  • Remembrance of Things to Come - This tapestry of still photographs, subject-skipping montage and rapid shuttle of wit and philosophy is pure Chris Marker.

  • S

  • Senso Daughters - Investigates the Japanese army's mistreatment of New Guinean women and "comfort girls."

  • Snake Dance - A reflection on the Promethean dimensions of nuclear power, following German-born Aby Warburg and Robert Oppenheimer, inventor of the atomic bomb

  • Summers with Picasso - Two beautiful and intimate looks at Pablo Picasso, his life, loves and art.

  • T

  • Tango of SlavesTango of Slaves - A Holocaust survivor's journey to Warsaw becomes the springboard for a meditative essay about history, memory, and their preservation in imagery.

  • To Tell the Truth: The Strategy of Truth - Directly follows the previous episode and examines documentary filmmaking in times of war and how it was used as propaganda.

  • The Two Lives of Eva - The complicated, traumatic story of a young woman, the filmmaker's mother, a well-off, Polish Lutheran before WWII, who afterwards married a Jewish Warsaw ghetto survivor.

  • U

  • Ursula von Rydingsvard: Into Her Own - URSULA VON RYDINGSVARD: INTO HER OWN is an artistic biography of one of the few women in the world working in monumental sculpture.

  • W

  • When Memory Comes: A Film about Saul FriedlanderWhen Memory Comes: A Film about Saul Friedlander - The noted historian's lifelong quest to describe the extermination of the European Jews.

More Films & DVDs on World War II
  • A Child's Century of War - Takes the viewer on a journey through the past century - the bloodiest in history - from the perspective of children, and tells their stories in their voices.

  • Forging Identity - The remarkable' life of Adolfo Kaminsky, master forger. He helped thousands of Jews escape Nazi persecution, and after the war many 'underground' movements.

  • I Am Become Death: They Made the Bomb - Illuminating stories told by scientists who actually worked on the Manhattan Project.

  • Joe Polowsky: An American Dreamer - The story of an American World War II veteran who met the Russians at the Elbe River, and who dedicated his life to promoting peace.

  • Karayuki-San, The Making of a Prostitute - Shohei Imamura profiles a former Karayuki-San who offers frank testimony into her horrific sexual slavery experiences.

  • Loss - An examination of German Jewish life and culture and the lasting intellectual, moral and spiritual void that loss has meant to their fatherland.

  • Outlaw-Matsu Comes Home - Shohei Imamura follows a former Japanese soldier during his first trip home after having been abandoned by the military in Thailand during World War II.

  • Stealing the Fire - In 1996, the German nuclear engineer Karl-Heinz Schaab was accused of selling secret information to Iraq. But was Schaab a shrewd traitor or a simple pawn in a much more extensive network?